Bahrain polytechnic

Bahrain Polytechnic Campus Map

This service allows you to check Bahrain Polytechnic campus map and location, as shown in the map below:

Bahrain Polytechnic Campus Map details

Here are the buildings located inside Bahrain Polytechnic campus:

Bahrain Polytechnic Building Building Description
Building 5 IT labs.
Building 8 Academies, registration, student information center, and classrooms.
Building 9 IT services.
Building 10 Classrooms and student lockers.
Building 11 HR, finance, IT labs, classrooms, corporate staff, and lockers.
Building 30 Engineering workshops, lockers, and Derby Café.
Building 34 Workshop with lockers.
Building 36 IT labs, engineering workshops, and lockers.
Building C8 Security services and locker allocation.
Building C1 & C2 Security cabins.
Building 25 Medical clinic (Health & Wellness Center).

Bahrain Polytechnic Campus Map pdf 

You can download a 3D pdf file for Bahrain Polytechnic campus map, as follows:

  • Click on Bahrain Polytechnic campus map pdf file “from here”.
  • Open the downloaded pdf file on your device.
  • Open the menu of your pdf viewer.
  • Click “Save”.
  • Select the desired destination for the file.
  • Click on “Save”.

Bahrain Polytechnic Campus Map Check Link

You can check Bahrain Polytechnic campus 3D map through the link, as it will show an interactive 3D map with all the buildings contained in Bahrain Polytechnic capmus area.

Questions & Answers

Where is Bahrain Polytechnic located?

Where is Bahrain Polytechnic located?

It is located in Isa Town, Road 4003, Block 840, within the University of Bahrain’s former campus site in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

What facilities are available on campus?

What facilities are available on campus?

The campus includes classrooms, IT labs, engineering workshops, a library, sports center, gym, medical clinic, cafeterias, and student service offices.

How do I get to Bahrain Polytechnic using public transport?

How do I get to Bahrain Polytechnic using public transport?

You can use public buses that pass through Isa Town Bus Terminal, which is close to the campus. Taxis and ride-hailing services are also available.

Is there a parking area for students?

Is there a parking area for students?

Yes, Bahrain Polytechnic provides parking areas for students, staff, and visitors within the campus premises, with designated spaces for people with disabilities.

What security measures are in place at Bahrain Polytechnic?

What security measures are in place at Bahrain Polytechnic?

The campus has security cabins, CCTV surveillance, controlled entry points, and security personnel to ensure a safe environment for students and staff.