
Batelco Roaming Packages 2025

You can check all roaming packages provided by Batelco Communications Company through the table listed below:

Roaming Packages Name Roaming Packages Details  Country  Package Activation  Package Deactivation  Package Validity
KSA BD5.5 4 GB KSA Send KSA1 to 88188 Send DKSA1 to 88188 1 Day
Hajj BD16.5 30 GB / 200 Minutes KSA Send Haj to 88188 Send DHaj to 88188 15 Days
GCC BD5.5 2 GB GCC Send GCC1 to 88188 Send DGCC3 to 88188 1 Day
GCC BD7.7 8 GB GCC Send GCC3 to 88188 Send DGCC3 to 88188 3 Days
GCC BD11 15 GB GCC Send GCC7 to 88188 Send DGCC7 to 88188 7 Days
USA BD33 Unlimited United States Send USA30 to 88188 Send DUSA30 to 88188 30 Days
Morocco BD16.5 Unlimited Morocco Send MAR15 to 88188 Send DMAR15 to 88188 15 Days
UK BD11 30 GB United Kingdom Send UK15 to 88188 Send DUK15 to 88188 15 Days
Turkey BD11 30 GB Turkey Send TUR15 to 88188 Send DTUR15 to 88188 15 Days
Iraq BD11 20 GB Iraq Send IRQ15 to 88188 Send DIRQ15 to 88188 15 Days
World BD11 2 GB World Send WW7 to 88188 Send DWW7 to 88188 7 Days
World BD22 12 GB World Send WW15 to 88188 Send DWW15 to 88188 30 Days
Europe BD16.5 6 GB Europe Union Send EUR15 to 88188 Send DEUR15 to 88188 15 Days
UAE BD11 Unlimited United Arab Emirates Send UAE7 to 88188 Send DUAE7 to 88188 7 Days

How to Activate Batelco Roaming Packages

You can activate Batelco roaming packages, by following these simple steps:

  • Write a message with the Activation / Deactivation code.
  • Enter the number 88188 in the receiver field.
  • Click on “Send”.
  • Write the message including the Activation / Deactivation code from outside Bahrain.
  • Input the number +97332188188 in the field designated for the receiver.
  • Press “Send”.

Read more: Batelco Prepaid RechargeBatelco Quick Pay OnlineBatelco Quick Refill OnlineBatelco Careers BahrainBatelco Prepaid PackagesHow to Check Balance in BatelcoBatelco Credit TransfeBatelco Logo PNGBatelco Customer Care Number

Questions & Answers

What are the available Batelco roaming packages for 2025?

What are the available Batelco roaming packages for 2025?

Batelco offers various roaming packages such as KSA, GCC, USA, UK, Morocco, Iraq, Europe, and more, each with different data and call limits.

How can I activate a Batelco roaming package?

How can I activate a Batelco roaming package?

To activate a package, simply send the appropriate activation code to 88188 or +973 32 188188 from outside Bahrain to start your roaming service.

What is the cost of Batelco roaming in the USA?

What is the cost of Batelco roaming in the USA?

The USA roaming package costs BD33 for unlimited data and calls, valid for 30 days with activation via the message code USA30 to 88188.

Can I deactivate my Batelco roaming package?

Can I deactivate my Batelco roaming package?

Yes, to deactivate your roaming package, send the deactivation code (e.g., DKSA1, DGCC3) to 88188 or +973 32 188188 depending on your package.

What is the benefit of using Batelco's roaming services?

What is the benefit of using Batelco's roaming services?

Batelco roaming services provide convenient access to data and calling options while traveling, offering cost-effective solutions with flexible packages for various regions.